Delta 8 THC is the new cannabinoid on the block. Despite its new found popularity status, it’s being considered the new big thing in the hemp industry post the passing of the 2018 hemp bill. According to a report by The New York Times, the term grew by more than 850 percent in the United States between 2020 and 2021.

But what’s the reason for Delta 8 THC’s exponential rise? The traction of Delta 8 THC can commonly be attributed to its multipurpose usage, including both recreational and medicinal. There are many reasons why you might also want to consider adding Delta 8 THC to your wellness routine. Incorporating Delta 8 THC into your everyday daily wellness routine can have tonnes of benefits as it helps you achieve a holistic approach to your health with its many potential benefits, which can lead to a greater sense of overall well-being. But first, you need to understand what THC is and how it works.

What is Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 THC, also known as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a rare cannabinoid found in cannabis and hemp plants. It is known to have some potential benefits to the body, according to a number of research materials available. Some of its benefits include sleep aid, antiseptic, pain relief stimulation of appetite, and anti-anxiety to name a few.

Read More: Does Delta 8 THC Help with Sleep?

Why Add Delta  8 THC To Your Wellness Routine?

If you are not sure about incorporating Delta 8 THC into your wellness routine, we have some compelling reasons that may make you change your mind.

Potential Health Benefits

Delta 8 THC is commonly known for its therapeutic benefits. Anecdotal experiences have suggested that Delta 8 THC may attribute to reducing pain and inflammation. It is also known to stimulate appetite and help with sleep-related problems.

Some clinical trials have also suggested that Delta 8 THC may help reduce anxiety and stress, promising an overall healthy mental state. Aside from this, Delta 8 THC is also beneficial for chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease.

Moderate Psychoactive Benefits

Delta 8 THC produces a less intense psychoactive experience when compared to its sibling Delta 9 THC. Rather than providing you with a euphoric buzz, a Delta 8 THC ‘high’ is known to create a mallow, cerebral and calm state of mind. It interacts with the CB2 receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system which helps you lighten up your mood, reducing anxiety and stress.

This makes Delta 8 THC a perfect choice for those who wish to benefit from its therapeutic properties without partaking in the intense high.

Sense of Harmony Within the Body

Delta 8 THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps maintain balance within the body. Delta 8 THC bind to cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, which can produce various effects including a sense of harmony within the body.

Legal Aspect

Delta 9 THC is a gentler and, perhaps more crucially, legal high that offers relaxation and pain relief without the anxiety or fuzzy-headedness commonly attributed to its other siblings. Delta 8 THC has become quite popular in states where Delta 9 THC and marijuana are illegal. Its rise started with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which makes all hemp-derived products containing less than or equal to 0.3 percent THC legal.

Delta 8 THC is detectable only in trace amounts in hemp plants. However, manufacturers produce it in the laboratory from CBD which is present in hemp plants in large quantities. Since CBD  is legal, so is Delta 8 THC.

Read More: Why Delta 8 THC is Legal?

Natural alternative to pharmaceuticals

Delta 8 THC has swiftly proven its health benefits, emerging as a natural alternative to certain pharmaceuticals. It can help you with pain relief, anxiety reduction, and inflammation reduction without you having to worry about potential side effects that are commonly associated with medications.

Lesser side effects

Delta 8 THC is known to produce a mild high in comparison to Delta 9 THC, which can induce anxiety and paranoia in some individuals.

However, it’s worth mentioning that factors such as individual sensitivity, tolerance, and the strength of the substance can greatly contribute to the overall experience and potential side effects of Delta 8 THC.

How to Incorporate Delta 8 THC Into Your Wellness Routine?

Making Delta 8 THC a part of your daily routine requires careful consideration and thorough research for you to make an informed choice. Here are some steps to consider when incorporating Delta 8 TH into your wellness routine.

Read More: How To Clear Delta-8 THC from your System?


The beginning of everything is to learn and then implement. Educate yourself with the material that is available online or seek advice from a healthcare professional before introducing Delta 8 THC to your routine.

Before making it your everyday part, you must understand its effects, potential benefits, and associated risk. Additionally, familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding its sale and purchase.

Source the Right-Quality Product

When deciding what type of Delta 8 THC product you want to use, you should consider the goodie which suits your lifestyle. For the go-getter, a D8 vape pen or tincture might be beneficial as they have a quick onset of effects. If you are mostly at home, an edible might be your pick which may take a longer time to kick into your system. For people who want a discreet option, a Delta 8 THC gummy might be an appropriate choice.

Time Your Consumption

The effects of Delta 8 THC can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to hit you. Be sure to read the instruction manual and label your products, so you know when to expect the effects.

If you are a beginner, you need to moderate your dosage and work on it until you get the high that works for you. Follow the products’ instructions and allow time for the effects to be felt before jumping on to the next dose.

Listen To Your Body

Take a clear note on how your body reacts to the Delta 8 THC products and then only incorporate it in your daily routine. Keep in mind that not everybody will experience the same effects from Delta 8 THC as it is also a matter of personal biology to react to the substance.

Keep track of your dosage and how it affects you over time. If you are not getting the desired results, you can try a different type of product or consider an alternative form of consuming Delta 8 THC.

Store it Properly

Make sure you are properly storing your Delta 8 THC products, particularly Delta 8 Carts. Do not use containers other than the ones specifically designed to store your e-juice or e-liquid as it can lead to overflow of the substance. Exposure to extreme weather conditions can reduce the effectiveness of the substance. You are recommended to store your Delta 8 THC vapes, carts, gummies, flowers, and tinctures in a cool and dark place away from the sunlight.

About the author
Adrian Mota

Hi there, I'm Adrian! I'm passionate about cannabinoids – My journey into this fascinating world began with a curiosity to understand how these compounds interact with our bodies. I've been digging into how they work in our bodies and what benefits they might offer. From exploring their various uses and perks to understanding the importance of safety considerations, I'm here to deliver clear and concise information to empower others. My aim is to help everyone get a grasp on cannabinoids so you can make smart choices as you browse through different brands and products.