As the use of cannabinoids for medical purposes has expanded, a huge market for a variety of edible products has opened. Sources suggest that an estimated 16% to 26% of patients using medical cannabis consume edible products. Such a surge in demand is also one of the reasons why the Global Market for cannabis edibles was valued at $8.01 billion in 2022. It is further estimated to have a 16.5% CAGR from 2023 to 2032. These numbers highlight the growing consumer base of the edible cannabinoids.

In this growing market, about 37% of U.S. consumers prefer taking supplements in a gummy format. With such an increase in consumption, knowing as much about them as possible is necessary to ensure safe consumption and an enjoyable experience.

Do THC Gummies Expire

Therefore, like any other food item, the first question  that might arise in your mind is – “Do edible gummies expire?” So, read further to find answers about the expiry, storage, and all other such questions about edible gummies.

Do THC Gummies Expire?

Well, like all other food items- yes, THC Gummies also expire. Their molecular structure changes over time, which might impact their potency and effects on your body.

How Long Do Gummies Last?

Cannabis gummies can stay for up to 6 months to a year or even longer before they go bad. This date may vary from one product to the other. The shelf life depends on many things, such as how the items are stored and the quality of those products.

Do THC Gummies Lose Potency?

Over time, or under adverse conditions like UV exposure or humidity, THC will break down into CBN. CBN is generally known as the sleepy cannabinoid and is less intoxicating than THC, meaning the euphoria associated with THC might turn into sleepiness.

How To Preserve THC Edible Gummies?

THC Edible Gummies

Properly storing any kind of food is essential. Similarly, there are 5 factors that are usually associated with the shelf life of infused gummies. Consider keeping the given factors in mind for the best preservation techniques:


Temperature variations can cause gummy consistency to differ significantly. Avoid any drastic changes in texture or consistency by keeping edibles in cold places only.


Humidity increases the rate of degradation of cannabis products. The best option would be to keep them in a cool, dark place. However, humidity control packs might help manage the space after you’ve turned off the lights.


Organic matter is degraded at a faster rate when exposed to UV light. This means that for as long as possible, keep edibles and other forms of cannabis from getting spoilt by Ultraviolet rays.

Airtight Containers

THC is broken down into CBN when it comes into contact with oxygen. Oxygen also allows microorganisms such as yeast and mold to grow. This might result in food spoilage. That is why you need to store edibles in airtight containers and extend their freshness.

Correct Labeling and Date Tracking

Before purchasing items, ensure that you only get those with clear and valid product labels. Proper labeling includes the date of production and use-by dates. You should also look for information on the list of ingredients and allergens, among others.

What Happens If You Eat Expired Gummy Edibles?

Often, numerous intrusive questions arise in the minds of consumers, like – can you eat expired Delta 8 gummies? Well, let’s satiate that curiosity for you.

No, you must not consume expired gummy edibles. You should know that depending on how old your edibles are, consuming them could have some health risks, like food poisoning, modified effects, etc.

How Long Does an Edible High Last?

It takes a long time for the human body to absorb the THC from edible cannabis. So, it is present in the body for a longer period than after smoking or vaping cannabis.

The effects of ingesting cannabis last longer comparatively. With edible cannabis, the intoxicating effects or “high” do not kick in for about 30 minutes to two hours. The effect peaks at about four hours. The effects can last up to 12 hours, but the residual effects can last up to as long as 24 hours. Thus, you can feel its effects even on the next day.

Can You Freeze Edibles?

Freezing is a viable option for preserving your cannabis edibles. It prevents exposure to heat and light, which can degrade THC. The taste and texture, though, might be impacted. Oil or fat binds the cannabinoids, which means their potency is not compromised when frozen. This makes them comparatively more stable.

The correct method of storing cannabis edibles is in a cool and dry place, in air-tight containers like glass jars. Wrapping each edible in parchment or wax paper would help to prevent them from sticking together when kept in the freezer. This will also make it easier for you to thaw them out too and defrost the gummies individually.

Purchase Your Edible Gummies at D8 Gas

When buying gummy edibles, it is important for you to consider the production date and expected shelf life.  Go for products that expire much later to maximize their freshness.

Moreover, you must shop only from trusted websites like D8 Gas to ensure authentic products with regulated cannabinoid usage for the best experience.

D8 Gas believes in providing exceptional customer service, starting from the selection process and continuing right till the quick final product delivery at your doorstep. The team does extensive research, tests and quality checks on every product on their platform to ensure that they meet the highest quality standards.

Moreover, every product listed on their site comes with full laboratory reports. This allows you to have all the necessary information that can help you make informed purchases.

Final Thoughts

So, do Delta 8 Gummies expire? Well, sadly, yes. THC Gummies, like other edible commodities, are perishable, and their potency wanes over time due to factors such as temperature, humidity and light. Therefore, it is essential to check the expiry dates and store them correctly for freshness and efficacy maintenance.

And no, it is not worth eating expired gummies because the expired ones may not produce the desired feelings and could be dangerous to health.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How Can I Tell If My THC Gummies Have Gone Bad?

Signs of spoiled THC gummies include changes in taste, odor, or texture. If the gummies exhibit any such unusual characteristics, it’s best to discard them to avoid potential health risks.

Q2: Are There Specific Storage Recommendations For Preserving THC Gummies?

Yes, THC edibles require proper storage to maintain their original quality. Place them in dry places and keep them away from exposure to light and heat. Moreover, adhering to the expiry dates and recommended dosage guidelines would be wise to enable safe and enjoyable consumption.

Q3. What are the Effects of Eating Expired Gummy Edibles?

Once cannabinoids like THC become spoiled or degraded, eating such items may impose potential health hazards. Although effects fluctuate, relaxation or sedation can result due to the conversion of THC into CBN. You might also experience food poisoning due to the growth of molds or fungi.

Q4. Where Should I Purchase Edible Gummies for Optimal Freshness and Quality?

It’s essential to buy THC gummies from trusted sources like reputable dispensaries or online retailers known for their authenticity, like D8 Gas. Make sure to know about the legal regulations in your area before buying any products.

Q5. Can I Consume THC Gummies If They’re Past Their Expiration Date But Still Smell Okay?

While a lack of off-smells is a positive sign, it doesn’t guarantee safety. Consuming expired THC gummies can still pose risks due to potential changes in potency and contamination. It’s advisable to exercise caution and discard the expired gummies.


About the author
Adrian Mota

Hi there, I'm Adrian! I'm passionate about cannabinoids – My journey into this fascinating world began with a curiosity to understand how these compounds interact with our bodies. I've been digging into how they work in our bodies and what benefits they might offer. From exploring their various uses and perks to understanding the importance of safety considerations, I'm here to deliver clear and concise information to empower others. My aim is to help everyone get a grasp on cannabinoids so you can make smart choices as you browse through different brands and products.