Cannabigerol is one of the 120 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), an acidic form of CBG, is often referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids since they are all derived from it, such as CBD and THC. There’s a minimal concentration of cannabigerol when compared to other cannabinoids, consisting of only 1% found in the plant. Since it is such a rare cannabinoid, CBG products tend to be more expensive than others, but it is still growing in demand and popularity due to the potential benefits that come along with it.

What is CBG Oil?

CBG oil is a cannabis oil derived from the cannabigerol compounds found inside the cannabis plant. Although it’s derived from cannabis, consuming it has no intoxicating effects. This oil consists of high concentrations of cannabigerol only, while full-spectrum CBD products contain traces of every cannabinoid and compound that naturally occurs in the hemp plant.

Different types of CBG Oil

Cannabigerol oil comes in numerous types. The four variants consist of the following:

  • Full Spectrum CBG Oil: Full spectrum oils consist of many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, including delta 9. In this case, cannabigerol will be the primary resource. Still, it will include others such as CBD and always contain less than .3% of delta 9 THC so that it’s deemed a legal product with no intoxicating abilities. Research suggests that the health benefits of compounds like CBG and CBD are more pronounced when they are combined. In other words, full-spectrum is the concentrated form of hemp in its natural state.

  • Pure CBG Isolate: On the other hand, pure isolate is self-explanatory. It is a highly pure cannabinoid extract that contains over 98% CBG. This hemp extract is purified to remove almost all other substances besides cannabigerol.

  • Mix of CBG/CBD Isolate: CBD and CBG oils can help relieve various symptoms by working together because they have different but complementary properties when infused. These products consist of only CBG and CBD compounds.

  • Broad Spectrum CBG Oil: Broad-spectrum oils consist of most cannabinoids in the hemp plant, differentiating from the full spectrum as it contains no delta 9 THC. No intoxicating effects will be experienced when consuming either of them.

How to use CBG oil

There are 4 different methods to consume cannabigerol oils.

  • Sublingual: If you want the CBG oil to be absorbed quickly and efficiently, you may want to try sublingual administration. Place a few drops of oil under your tongue, wait a minute for absorption, and then swallow it. Sublingual methods are known to enter the bloodstream quicker than any other way.

  • Mixing it: You can mix some oil drops into your favorite food or beverage! For example, if you’re drinking a fresh cup of lemonade, you can place a few drops into it and consume cannabigerol with no flavor change.

  • Orally: Another option is to swallow the CBG oil immediately. However, when ingested, many compounds lose their bioavailability, which weakens the potency and delays the onset of effects. For this reason, sublingual administration is a more effective method.

  • Topical application: Multiple studies prove the therapeutic effects of applying cannabigerol oil on the skin. You can infuse it with your favorite lotion, body wash, or anything that meets these criteria. You can also just place it directly on the skin.

How much oil should I take?

If it’s your first time consuming CBG oil, starting with the lowest possible dose would be best. Half a dropper is recommended as the lowest dosage, which is 5ml of oil per serving. If you’re concerned about experiencing any adverse effects, you can go even lower and try out a sub-threshold microdose. Numerous factors can affect the outcome of your experiences, such as weight, age, metabolism, potency, and the type of CBG oil consumed. CBG is an entirely different cannabinoid than CBD, so if you’ve used CBD tinctures in the past, we recommend not following the same dosage amount.

Side effects

40% of users have experienced no side effects when consuming cannabigerol oil. The remaining 60% consist of the following:

  • Dry mouth (16.5%)
  • Sleepiness (15%)
  • Increased appetite (11.8%)
  • Dry eyes (8.7%)

This study was conducted by members of Washing State University and the University of California in September of 2021.

About the author
Adrian Mota

Hi there, I'm Adrian! I'm passionate about cannabinoids – My journey into this fascinating world began with a curiosity to understand how these compounds interact with our bodies. I've been digging into how they work in our bodies and what benefits they might offer. From exploring their various uses and perks to understanding the importance of safety considerations, I'm here to deliver clear and concise information to empower others. My aim is to help everyone get a grasp on cannabinoids so you can make smart choices as you browse through different brands and products.